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Cloud - based automation solution

Q3 2024 – Beta Version

Become a beta user of SUBMIT24™ – no cost, no hassle. Don’t miss the opportunity to be first to experience and impact.

Introducing SUBMIT24™

Bioforum is proud to introduce SUBMIT24™, a completely free revolutionary CDISC CORE – based validation tool. The downloadable clinical data validation tool provides ample new features for a transformative data validation journey.

“Bioforum will leverage the CORE Rules Certification Program when it becomes available to certify the product.”

Peter Van Reusel
Chief Standards Officer, CDISC

We believe

that clinical data conformance shouldn’t come with a price tag. Moreover, we firmly advocate
for creating an environment where such conformity is anchored upon open-source
infrastructure so companies can choose the best technology that fits their needs.

Our standalone desktop application ensures that your clinical
data is validated securely on your device.
Leverage innovative features to expedite your validation process.
Part 11 compliant validation package will be publicly
Add your own custom rules using CDISC CORE syntax.
Become a beta user of SUBMIT24™

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    Frequently Asked Questions

    Yes, CDISC CORE rules can be downloaded from the CDISC Library and run on data using Submit24. Submit24’s rules engine uses the same syntax as CDISC CORE so the results will be the same. Submit24 is in the process of being CDISC certified, proving the results are the same as using the CDISC CORE engine.

    Yes. Submit24 will validate the data against all rules expected not only by the FDA but also by the PMDA and NMPA – across the different standards versions supported by these agencies.

    No limitations whatsoever and no ‘hidden costs’. Submit24 will be available and free of charge for any intended use.

    Plenty… Just to name a few –

    1. Validation errors/warnings are all traced-back and displayed on top of the data – so you don’t need to waste time doing the traceback yourself.
    2. Expand the set of rules executed by adding your own custom rules using the CDISC CORE open-source syntax.
    3. Enter your own comments on top of the validation results and save them to be used in subsequent validation runs. Submit24 will automatically associate your previously entered comments with the new results.

    Our goal is to make the validation process efficient and enjoyable. If you have any suggestions for additional capabilities, we would love to hear from you.

    Submit24 is a standalone desktop application, any type of Windows/MAC desktop machine will do. Minimum requirements will be published with the first public release.

    Learn more about our services

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