We are thrilled to see the success of our clients at NeuroDerm, A Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma Group Company with the highly positive results from the pivotal Phase III BouNDless Trial evaluating ND0612 in Parkinson’s disease patients with motor fluctuations. As Neuroderm’s provider of various clinical data services across multiple studies for many years, including data analysis, safety committees, ISS package and extensive ongoing support, as well as medical writing of the entire clinical dossier for submission, we are proud to have taken a part in this important research. Our team at Bioforum the Data Masters is dedicated to helping organizations like Neuroderm bring life-changing treatments to market and we are honored to be a part of this journey.
We look forward to seeing the positive impact that ND0612 will have on the lives of Parkinson’s disease patients. Keep up the great work!