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Congratulations to BioLineRx on the Submission of their NDA to the FDA for Motixafortide in Stem Cell Mobilization


Congratulations to our clients at BioLineRX on the submission of their #NDA to the FDA for #Motixafortide in stem cell mobilization! As BioLineRx’s longtime #CRO partner, supporting their team with end-to-end #clinicaltrial data management, statistical programming and medical writing services, we’re proud to have been part of the pivotal GENESIS Phase 3 study, which met all primary and secondary endpoints with a very high degree of statistical significance. It’s an honor to collaborate with BioLineRx as they work to improve bone marrow transplantation treatments for multiple myeloma patients.

#clinicalresearch #datamanagement #stemcelltherapy #oncology #multiplemyeloma

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